Rightwise Ventures was inspired and created in year 2009 on the following mission statements:
1. Providing the Right resources 2. Having the Wise choices 3. Profiting through Ventures In short, "Venturing with Right tools and Wise Choices." "Right" Resources can be anything under the sun so long that it can accomplish a designated task. It could be mindset, software application, internet, raw material, relationship, connection and many many more. "Wise" Choices. This is a bit difficult to quantify as Wise; what is wise to us might not be wise to you. Therefore, my definition of Wise choices shall be choices are made from good, sound, natural and fundamental reasoning, knowledge, experiences, no regret and most importantly we are all happy about it. We felt that Life is already a Venture. Therefore, we believe that whatever you do, is a adVenture and we are happy to be part of it. Remember "Life is not about destination but is the experiences that you gain". |